Source code for mordred._path_count

import math

from itertools import chain

from rdkit import Chem

from ._base import Descriptor

class PathCountBase(Descriptor):
    explicit_hydrogens = False

class PathCountCache(PathCountBase):
    __slots__ = ('_order',)

    def __reduce_ex__(self, version):
        return self.__class__, (self._order,)

    def __init__(self, order):
        self._order = order

    def _bond_ids_to_atom_ids(mol, p):
        it = iter(p)

            b0 = mol.GetBondWithIdx(next(it))
        except StopIteration:
            return []

            b1 = mol.GetBondWithIdx(next(it))
        except StopIteration:
            return [b0.GetBeginAtomIdx(), b0.GetEndAtomIdx()]

        a0f, a0t = b0.GetBeginAtomIdx(), b0.GetEndAtomIdx()
        a1f, a1t = b1.GetBeginAtomIdx(), b1.GetEndAtomIdx()

        if a0f in [a1f, a1t]:
            path = [a0t, a0f]
            current = a1f if a0f == a1t else a1t
            path = [a0f, a0t]
            current = a1f if a0t == a1t else a1t

        for i in it:
            bn = mol.GetBondWithIdx(i)

            anf, ant = bn.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bn.GetEndAtomIdx()


            if anf == current:
                current = ant
                current = anf

        return path

    def calculate(self, mol):
        l = 0
        pi = 0

        for path in Chem.FindAllPathsOfLengthN(mol, self._order):
            aids = set()
            before = None
            w = 1

            for i in self._bond_ids_to_atom_ids(mol, path):
                if i in aids:


                if before is not None:
                    bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(before, i)
                    w *= bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble()

                before = i

                l += 1
                pi += w

        return l, pi

[docs]class PathCount(PathCountBase): r"""path count descriptor. :type order: int :param order: path order(number of bonds in path) :type pi: bool :param pi: calculate pi-path count :type total: bool :param total: total path count(1 to order) :type log: bool :param log: use log scale """ @classmethod def preset(cls): return chain( (cls(o, False, False, False) for o in range(2, 11)), [cls(10, False, True, False)], (cls(o, True, False, True) for o in range(1, 11)), [cls(10, True, True, True)], ) def __str__(self): if self._total: base = 'T' else: base = '' if self._pi: base += 'piPC' else: base += 'MPC' return base + str(self._order) __slots__ = ('_order', '_pi', '_total', '_log',) def __reduce_ex__(self, version): return self.__class__, (self._order, self._pi, self._total, self._log) def __init__(self, order=1, pi=False, total=False, log=False): assert order >= 0 self._order = order self._pi = pi self._total = total self._log = log def dependencies(self): deps = {'PC': PathCountCache(self._order)} if self._total and self._order > 0: deps['acc'] = self.__class__( self._order - 1, self._pi, self._total, ) return deps def calculate(self, mol, PC, acc=None): if self._order == 0: return mol.GetNumAtoms() v = PC[1] if self._pi else PC[0] if acc is not None: v = acc + v if self._log: v = math.log(v + 1) return v @property def rtype(self): r""" * pi = True: :py:class:`float` * pi = False: :py:class:`int` """ return float if self._pi else int