Source code for mordred._base.descriptor

import inspect
import operator
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager

import six
import numpy as np

class MissingValueException(Exception):
    "internally used exception"

    __slots__ = ('error',)

    def __init__(self, error):
        self.error = error

[docs]class Descriptor(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): r"""abstract base class of descriptors. Attributes: mol(rdkit.Mol): target molecule """ __slots__ = '_context', explicit_hydrogens = True kekulize = False require_connected = False require_3D = False def __reduce_ex__(self, version): return self.__class__, self.parameters() @classmethod
[docs] def preset(cls): r"""generate preset descriptor instances. Returns: Iterable[Descriptor]: preset descriptors """ return ()
[docs] def parameters(self): '''[abstractmethod] get __init__ arguments of this descriptor instance. this method used in pickling and identifying descriptor instance. Returns: tuple: tuple of __init__ arguments ''' raise NotImplementedError('not implemented Descriptor.parameters method')
[docs] def calculate(self): r"""[abstractmethod] calculate descriptor value. Returns: rtype """ raise NotImplementedError('not implemented Descriptor.calculate method')
[docs] def dependencies(self): r"""descriptor dependencies. Returns: dict[str, Descriptor or None] or None """ pass
@property def as_argument(self): '''argument representation of descriptor Returns: any ''' return self @staticmethod def _pretty(v): v = getattr(v, 'as_argument', v) return repr(v) def __repr__(self): return '{}.{}({})'.format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(self._pretty(a) for a in self.parameters()) ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.__class__, self.parameters())) def __compare_by_reduce(meth): def compare(self, other): l = self.__class__, self.parameters() r = other.__class__, other.parameters() return getattr(l, meth)(r) return compare __eq__ = __compare_by_reduce('__eq__') __ne__ = __compare_by_reduce('__ne__') __lt__ = __compare_by_reduce('__lt__') __gt__ = __compare_by_reduce('__gt__') __le__ = __compare_by_reduce('__le__') __ge__ = __compare_by_reduce('__ge__') rtype = None @property def mol(self): '''get molecule Returns: rdkit.Mol ''' return self._context.get_mol(self) @property def coord(self): '''get 3D coordinate Returns: numpy.array[3, N]: coordinate matrix ''' if not self.require_3D:'use 3D coordinate in 2D descriptor')) return self._context.get_coord(self)
[docs] def fail(self, exception): '''raise known exception and return missing value Raises: MissingValueException ''' raise MissingValueException(exception)
[docs] def rethrow_zerodiv(self): '''[contextmanager] treat zero div as known exception ''' with np.errstate(divide='raise', invalid='raise'): try: yield except (FloatingPointError, ZeroDivisionError) as e:*e.args))
[docs] def rethrow_na(self, exception): '''[contextmanager] treat any exceptions as known exception ''' try: yield except exception as e:
def _unary_common(name, operator): def unary(self): return UnaryOperatingDescriptor(name.format(self), operator, self) return unary def _binary_common(name, operator): def binary(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Descriptor): other = ConstDescriptor(str(other), other) return BinaryOperatingDescriptor(name.format(self, other), operator, self, other) return binary __add__ = _binary_common('({}+{})', operator.add) __sub__ = _binary_common('({}-{})', operator.sub) __mul__ = _binary_common('({}*{})', operator.mul) __truediv__ = _binary_common('({}/{})', operator.truediv) __floordiv__ = _binary_common('({}//{})', operator.floordiv) __mod__ = _binary_common('({}%{})', operator.mod) __pow__ = _binary_common('({}**{})', operator.pow) __neg__ = _unary_common('-{}', operator.neg) __pos__ = _unary_common('+{}', operator.pos) __abs__ = _unary_common('|{}|', operator.abs) if six.PY3: __ceil__ = _unary_common('ceil({})', np.ceil) __floor__ = _unary_common('floor({})', np.floor) __trunc__ = _unary_common('trunc({})', np.trunc)
def is_descriptor_class(desc): r"""check calculatable descriptor class or not. Returns: bool """ return ( isinstance(desc, type) and issubclass(desc, Descriptor) and not inspect.isabstract(desc) ) class UnaryOperatingDescriptor(Descriptor): @classmethod def preset(cls): return cls() def parameters(self): return, self.operator, self.value def __init__(self, name, operator, value): = name self.operator = operator self.value = value def __str__(self): return def dependencies(self): return { 'value': self.value, } def calculate(self, value): return self.operator(value) class ConstDescriptor(Descriptor): @classmethod def preset(cls): return cls() def parameters(self): return, self.value def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value def __str__(self): return def calculate(self): return self.value class BinaryOperatingDescriptor(Descriptor): @classmethod def preset(cls): return cls() def parameters(self): return, self.operator, self.left, self.right def __init__(self, name, operator, left, right): = name self.operator = operator self.left = left self.right = right def __str__(self): return def dependencies(self): return { 'left': self.left, 'right': self.right, } def calculate(self, left, right): return self.operator(left, right)