mordred.RingCount module

class mordred.RingCount.RingCount(order=None, greater=False, fused=False, aromatic=None, hetero=None)[source]

Bases: mordred.RingCount.RingCountBase

ring count descriptor.

  • order (int or None) – number of bonds in ring
  • greater (bool) – count length or greater rings
  • fused (bool) – count fused rings
  • aromatic (bool or None) –
    • True: count aromatic rings
    • False: count non-aromatic rings
    • None: count any rings
  • hetero (bool or None) –
    • True: count hetero rings
    • False: count carbon rings
    • None: count any rings

alias of int

explicit_hydrogens = False
kekulize = False
require_3D = False
require_connected = False