Source code for mordred.InformationContent

from itertools import chain, groupby

import numpy as np

from ._base import Descriptor
from ._graph_matrix import DistanceMatrix

__all__ = (
    "TotalIC", "StructuralIC", "BondingIC", "ComplementaryIC",
    "ModifiedIC", "ZModifiedIC",

class BFSTree(object):
    __slots__ = ("tree", "visited", "bonds", "atoms")

    def __init__(self, mol):
        self.tree = {}
        self.visited = set()

        self.bonds = {}
        for b in mol.GetBonds():
            s = b.GetBeginAtomIdx()
            d = b.GetEndAtomIdx()
            t = b.GetBondType()

            self.bonds[s, d] = t
            self.bonds[d, s] = t

        self.atoms = [(a.GetAtomicNum(), a.GetDegree(), a.GetNeighbors()) for a in mol.GetAtoms()]

    def reset(self, i):

        self.tree[i] = ()

    def expand(self):

    def _expand(self, tree):
        for src, dst in list(tree.items()):

            if dst is ():
                tree[src] = {
                    n.GetIdx(): ()
                    for n in self.atoms[src][2]
                    if n.GetIdx() not in self.visited


    def _code(self, tree, before, trail):
        if len(tree) == 0:
            yield trail

            for src, dst in tree.items():

                code = []
                if before is not None:
                    bt = self.bonds[before, src]


                nxt = tuple(chain(trail, code))
                for t in self._code(dst, src, nxt):
                    yield t

    def get_code(self, i, order):

        for _ in range(order):

        return tuple(sorted(self._code(self.tree, None, ())))

class InformationContentBase(Descriptor):
    __slots__ = ("_order",)
    kekulize = True

    def __str__(self):
        return self._name + str(self._order)

    def preset(cls):
        return (cls(o) for o in range(6))

    def parameters(self):
        return self._order,

    def __init__(self, order=0):
        self._order = order

    rtype = float

class Ag(InformationContentBase):
    __slots__ = ("_order",)

    def preset(cls):
        return ()

    _name = "Ag"

    def dependencies(self):
        return {"D": DistanceMatrix(self.explicit_hydrogens)}

    def calculate(self, D):
        if self._order == 0:
            atoms = [a.GetAtomicNum() for a in self.mol.GetAtoms()]
            tree = BFSTree(self.mol)
            atoms = [
                tree.get_code(i, self._order)
                for i in range(self.mol.GetNumAtoms())

        ad = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(atoms)}
        Ags = [(k, sum(1 for _ in g)) for k, g in groupby(sorted(atoms))]
        Nags = len(Ags)
        return (
            np.fromiter((ad[k] for k, _ in Ags), "int", Nags),
            np.fromiter((ag for _, ag in Ags), "float", Nags),

    rtype = None

def _shannon_entropy_term(a):
    return a * np.log2(a)

shannon_entropy_term = np.vectorize(_shannon_entropy_term)

def shannon_entropy(a, w=1):
    N = np.sum(a)
    return -np.sum(w * shannon_entropy_term(a / N))

[docs]class InformationContent(InformationContentBase): r"""neighborhood information content descriptor. :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered neighborhood information content".format(self._order)
_name = "IC" def dependencies(self): return {"iAgs": Ag(self._order)} def calculate(self, iAgs): _, Ags = iAgs return shannon_entropy(Ags)
[docs]class TotalIC(InformationContentBase): r"""neighborhood total information content descriptor. .. math:: {\rm TIC}_m = A \cdot {\rm IC}_m :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered neighborhood total information content".format(self._order)
_name = "TIC" def dependencies(self): return {"ICm": InformationContent(self._order)} def calculate(self, ICm): A = self.mol.GetNumAtoms() return A * ICm
[docs]class StructuralIC(TotalIC): r"""structural information content descriptor. .. math:: {\rm SIC}_m = \frac{{\rm IC}_m}{\log_2 A} :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered structural information content".format(self._order)
_name = "SIC" def calculate(self, ICm): d = np.log2(self.mol.GetNumAtoms()) with self.rethrow_zerodiv(): return ICm / d
[docs]class BondingIC(TotalIC): r"""bonding information content descriptor. .. math:: {\rm BIC}_m = \frac{{\rm IC}_m}{\log_2 \sum^B_{b=1} \pi^{*}_b} :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph :returns: NaN when :math:`\sum^B_{b=1} \pi^{*}_b <= 0` """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered bonding information content".format(self._order)
_name = "BIC" def calculate(self, ICm): B = sum(b.GetBondTypeAsDouble() for b in self.mol.GetBonds()) with self.rethrow_zerodiv(): log2B = np.log2(B) return ICm / log2B
[docs]class ComplementaryIC(TotalIC): r"""complementary information content descriptor. .. math:: {\rm CIC}_m = \log_2 A - {\rm IC}_m :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered complementary information content".format(self._order)
_name = "CIC" def calculate(self, ICm): A = self.mol.GetNumAtoms() return np.log2(A) - ICm
[docs]class ModifiedIC(InformationContent): r"""modified information content index descriptor. :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered modified information content".format(self._order)
_name = "MIC" def calculate(self, iAgs): ids, Ags = iAgs w = np.vectorize(lambda i: self.mol.GetAtomWithIdx(int(i)).GetMass())(ids) return shannon_entropy(Ags, w)
[docs]class ZModifiedIC(InformationContent): r"""Z-modified information content index descriptor. :type order: int :param order: order(number of edge) of subgraph """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def description(self): return "{}-ordered Z-modified information content".format(self._order)
_name = "ZMIC" def calculate(self, iAgs): ids, Ags = iAgs w = Ags * np.vectorize(lambda i: self.mol.GetAtomWithIdx(int(i)).GetAtomicNum())(ids) return shannon_entropy(Ags, w)