import networkx
from rdkit import Chem
from ._base import Descriptor
__all__ = ("RingCount",)
class RingCountBase(Descriptor):
__slots__ = ()
explicit_hydrogens = False
def parameters(self):
return ()
class Rings(RingCountBase):
__slots__ = ()
def calculate(self):
return [frozenset(s) for s in Chem.GetSymmSSSR(self.mol)]
class FusedRings(RingCountBase):
__slots__ = ()
def dependencies(self):
return {"Rings": Rings()}
def calculate(self, Rings):
if len(Rings) < 2:
return []
G = networkx.Graph()
L = len(Rings)
for i, j in ((i, j) for i in range(L) for j in range(i + 1, L)):
if len(Rings[i] & Rings[j]) >= 2:
G.add_edge(i, j)
return [
frozenset(j for i in ring_ids for j in Rings[i])
for ring_ids in networkx.connected_components(G)
[docs]class RingCount(RingCountBase):
r"""ring count descriptor.
:type order: int or None
:param order: number of bonds in ring
:type greater: bool
:param greater: count length or greater rings
:type fused: bool
:param fused: count fused rings
:type aromatic: bool or None
:param aromatic:
* True: count aromatic rings
* False: count non-aromatic rings
* None: count any rings
:type hetero: bool or None
:param hetero:
* True: count hetero rings
* False: count carbon rings
* None: count any rings
since = "1.0.0"
__slots__ = ("_order", "_greater", "_fused", "_aromatic", "_hetero")
[docs] def description(self):
if self._order is None:
o = ""
elif self._greater:
o = "{}-or-greater-membered ".format(self._order)
o = "{}-membered ".format(self._order)
if self._aromatic is None:
a = ""
elif self._aromatic is True:
a = "aromatic "
a = "aliphatic "
return "{}{}{}{}ring count".format(
"fused " if self._fused else "",
"hetero " if self._hetero else "",
def preset(cls, version):
for fused in [False, True]:
for arom in [None, True, False]:
for hetero in [None, True]:
yield cls(None, False, fused, arom, hetero)
for n in range(4 if fused else 3, 13):
yield cls(n, False, fused, arom, hetero)
yield cls(12, True, fused, arom, hetero)
def __str__(self):
attrs = []
if self._greater:
if self._order is not None:
if self._fused:
if self._aromatic is True:
elif self._aromatic is False:
if self._hetero is True:
elif self._hetero is False:
return "n{}Ring".format("".join(attrs))
def parameters(self):
return self._order, self._greater, self._fused, self._aromatic, self._hetero
def __init__(self, order=None, greater=False, fused=False, aromatic=None, hetero=None):
self._order = order
self._greater = greater
self._fused = fused
self._aromatic = aromatic
self._hetero = hetero
def dependencies(self):
return {
"Rs": (FusedRings if self._fused else Rings)(),
def _check_order(self, R):
if self._order is None:
return True
if self._greater:
return len(R) >= self._order
return len(R) == self._order
def _check_arom(self, R):
if self._aromatic is None:
return True
is_arom = all(self.mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetIsAromatic() for i in R)
if self._aromatic:
return is_arom
return not is_arom
def _check_hetero(self, R):
if self._hetero is None:
return True
has_hetero = any(self.mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetAtomicNum() != 6 for i in R)
if self._hetero:
return has_hetero
return not has_hetero
def calculate(self, Rs):
return sum(
1 for R in Rs
if self._check_order(R) and
self._check_arom(R) and
rtype = int